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AC Override

Thermostat  #1


On the thermostat, push the power button and the down arrow (button that adjusts the temp) at the exact same time. If you do this correctly, you will see the letters "bp" where the temp normally shows. You are now bypassing the sensors in the room. You can then set the temp to whatever you want and it keeps the room that cold whether you are in it or not. You might have to do this once a day as the thermostat tends to go back to sensor mode after 24 hours.

Thermostat #2


To bypass this unit, press the Power and Cooler buttons at the same time. The display will show ‘BP’ which means bypass. The SensorStat will act as a thermostat only for 48 hours. To cancel Soft Bypass mode, press the Power and Fan buttons at the same time. The display will show ‘CA’. The SensorStat will automatically cancel soft bypass mode after 48 hours. To cancel Soft Bypass mode, press the Power and Fan buttons at the same time.

Thermostat #3


Thermostat #3 - Hold down the “display” button, then press “off”. Release off, continue to hold down display, and Press the “up” arrow button Release all buttons.

Screenshot 2023-04-23 061105.JPG
Thermostat #4


Thermostat #3 - Hold down the “mode” button, then holding “fan”, press the “up” button.  You will be in "LEn" mode and can now lower the thermostat to 60º





1000 W Buena Vista Dr.

Lake Buena Vista, FL. 32830-1000



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